The Power of LinkedIn
So you have a LinkedIn page and you, hopefully, have a professional profile picture taken at just the right angle that makes you look both trustworthy and simultaneously like the best version of you possible. However, these factors aren’t necessarily enough. In an exceptionally crowded marketplace, a dazzlingly written LinkedIn profile; eloquently and articulately expressed, can help persuade a potential client that you are the right choice for them or their brand.
Dazzling Copy
So I take writing LinkedIn profiles immensely seriously. First and foremost I will sit down with you, hopefully over a chai latté, and gain an understanding of your brand, values and ethos. Then, I will get cracking; conjuring up targeted and precise copy that provides an insight into your personality and skills, thanks to the lovely bio at the top, as well as your experiences gained at each and every one of your previous positions. Not only that, but I will also work to make sure your content is fully optimised; helping to make sure you are easily found on LinkedIn, and allowing you to use it as a genuine way of generating business. And it’s not like I’m boasting or anything, but with over 3,000 connections and, on average, 70 views a week, I feel pretty confident in offering this service to clients.
Costings (affordable I promise…)
So for a mere £220.00 (with discounts available for entire teams) you get sparkling copy and a thoroughly updated LinkedIn page that will help convert those browsers into buyers.